Team building events are becoming a regular feature on organizations’ work schedule. Is your organization maximizing the full potential of your corporate team building events?

Having organize and manage over 4,000 events at TAG TEAM since 2011, below are 5 tips to make your next corporate team building event a more effective one:

1. Plan early

Schedule the team building event on the work calendar as early as possible. Commit resources – time and money – to it. Send the message that attendance is compulsory.

2. Set clear objectives and expectations

Be specific with your event objectives and communicate them to the organizing team or vendor. Do not try to achieve too many goals with a single event. Do not disguise an intensive training workshop as a team building event.

3. Get out of the comfort zone

At TAG TEAM, we encourage getting participants to work with colleagues from other departments or functions – other than their usual cliques – on common team objectives. Incorporating challenges and a little competition also work wonders in pushing team dynamics and performance.

4. Involve everyone

Ensure team building activities are inclusive for everyone (or at least majority of participants) and each participant can get involved and contribute in one way or other. Avoid activities which may require too much physical fitness, skill level and/or technical expertise.

5. Have fun!

Laughter, besides being the best medicine, is also a great way to bond people. Work is already serious and stressful enough. Laughing together will go a long way in building rapport and supportive workplace relationships. At the very least, this will create some light-hearted conversation-starters around the office water-cooler. If you have to take away only one tip from this article – this is the one.

Written for HRM Asia by:

John Lim, Co-Founder


To find out more about corporate team building, visit
